Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Dilemma Essays - Reserve Officers Training Corps, Free Essays
Dilemma Essays - Reserve Officers Training Corps, Free Essays Dilemma UOP Personal Dilemma/Values Paper Michael L Harmon Gen 480 January 11, 2001 A dilemma that I experienced has to do with the military. In 1992 I had a values conflict that had to do with my job situation. At that time, we had just elected a new president. This man, who had publicly acknowledged the fact that he did not go to Vietnam, but in fact, received his draft notice in 1969. Clinton requested Senator Fulbright and others to help him get into the ROTC unit at the University of Arkansas. That ROTC unit was already filled to capacity and there was a waiting line. With the assistance of Sen. Fulbright's office, a series of lies to Col. Holmes at the University of Arkansas ROTC unit, he was able to get his draft notice suspended pending enrollment into ROTC, which of course he never did. During this process, he violated several laws. In Section 50 of the U.S. Constitution, it states that no man shall be accepted for ROTC enlistment after he has received an order to report for induction unless authorized by the Secretary of Defense. The next law he broke was Section 801 which states that a person that had registered for draft, was delinquent, and was mailed notice to report before certain date or he would be in military service of United States, he was subject to trial by court-martial after that date, and it was not necessary to show his receipt of notice. The third law he broke was the fact that Clinton was not enrolled as a student at the school where he enrolled into ROTC, so he was in violation of Section 32 which states that students desiring enrollment in a unit must be enrolled in and attending full time a regular course of instruction at a school participating in the program. Clintons ROTC enlistment was accomplished illegally withholding the fact he had already been drafted and by unlawfully withholding the fact that he had two years ROTC experience at Georgetown University. By rejoining ROTC, he had automatically committed himself to a mandatory two years of active duty in the army. He had refused to sign up for the third year of ROTC earlier for this very reason. Section 10 states that any member who is selected for third and fourth year of the program is may be ordered to active duty by the Secretary of the military department concerned to serve in his enlisted grade or rating for such period of time as the Secretary prescribes but not for more than two years. Clinton didnt follow this part of the law. He should have been persecuted when he submitted his informal resignation in a letter dated December 1969. This violates another section of the law. Section 50 states that once a student has signed up, he must complete that course unless relieved of his duties by the Secretary of the Army. He also broke some additional laws. These include fraudulent enlistment, failure to report for induction, failure to inform the armed forces of his departure of the country, and the rest pertain to her stint while in England. While in England, he violated quite a few serious laws which include aiding the enemy, mutiny, rebellion, treason, and this same Bill Clinton who broke all those laws to stay out of military service was known for leading anti-war demonstrations until after he received a draft number that kept him out of the draft. Even though the fighting in Vietnam continued, Billy stopped being a war protester. When he has been asked why, he has not responded. . I experienced a dilemma due to these facts. I was not sure if I that I would be able to serve under a commander and chief who had dodged the draft and violated all these laws. This conflict caused me a major dilemma. First of all, I enjoyed my time in service and I had planned to make a career out of it. After he got elected, I had to re-evaluate my situation: Should I stay and serve a commander who would was everything from a draft dodge to a person who would have been executed for performing treason to his own country. This
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Save Money When Applying to College
How to Save Money When Applying to College We all know that college is expensive. Unfortunately, simply applying to college can cost over $1,000. Those application fees, standardized test expenses, and travel costs can add up quickly. Fortunately, there are ways to make the application process far more affordable. Many Colleges Can Waive Their Application Fees Most colleges charge an application fee of $30 to $80. By itself that may not seem like a lot, but it can certainly add up when you are applying to ten or twelve schools. Colleges charge this fee for two reasons: to help defray the expenses of recruiting students, and to discourage students who arent really interested in the school from applying. This latter issue is really the most significant one for colleges. The Common Application makes it extremely easy to apply to multiple colleges with little effort. Without an application fee, schools could end up with tens of thousands of applications from students who are applying on a whim. This would pose a real challenge for a college both as it struggles to process the sheer number of applications, and as it tries to predict the yield from the applicant pool. Because paying the fee helps assure that an applicant is at least partly serious about attending the college (even if the school isnt the students first choice), colleges will often waive the fee if students demonstrate their sincere interest some other way. Here are some of the possibilities for getting an application fee waived: Visit the campus. Colleges want students to be making an informed decision when they apply, and a campus visit is one of the best ways for you to get a feel for a school. For this reason, many colleges will waive your application fee if you visit campus for an interview, open house, and/or campus tour.Apply early. Colleges love getting Early Decision applicants (and to a lesser extent Early Action applicants), because these tend to be their most interested applicants who are sure to attend if admitted. For this reason, youll find that some colleges offer application fee waivers for students who apply before a certain date.Demonstrate financial need. If the application fees represent a true financial hardship for you, nearly all colleges are willing to waive the fees. Some schools may want proof of your family income for a fee waiver, while at other colleges receiving a waiver may be as simple as asking.Apply late. This wont be an option for highly selective schools and it seems count er to the bullet point above about applying early, but some colleges find themselves falling short of their application goals late in the admissions cycle, so they create incentives to get more students to apply. Thus, it is not unusual for colleges in this situation to offer application fee waivers in an effort to increase the applicant pool. Keep in mind that application fee waivers are handled differently at every college, and some or all of the above options wont be available at every school. That said, if you read a schools application information carefully or talk to an admissions counselor, you may find that you dont actually need to pay that application fee. Dont Apply to Colleges You Wouldnt Actually Attend I see many students who apply to several safety schools when the reality is that they would never consider attending these schools. Yes, you want to make sure you will receive at least one acceptance letter from the schools to which you apply, but you should still be selective and apply only to those colleges and universities that excite you and align with your personal and academic goals. If you consider an average application fee of $50, youre looking at $300 if you apply to six colleges and $600 if you apply to a dozen. You will clearly reduce both your costs and your effort if you do your research and cross off your list those schools that youre not eager to attend. Ive also seen a lot of ambitious applicants who apply to every single Ivy League School along with Stanford, MIT, and one or two other elite universities. The thinking here tends to be that these schools are so selective, that youre most likely to win the admissions lottery if you have lots of applications out there. In general, however, this isnt a great idea. For one, its expensive (these top schools tend to have application fees around $70 or $80 dollars). Also, its time-consuming- each of the Ivies has multiple supplemental essays, and youll be wasting your time applying if you dont craft those essays thoughtfully and carefully. Finally, if youd be happy in the rural town of Hanover, New Hampshire (home of Dartmouth), would you really be happy in the middle of New York City (home of Columbia)? In short, being thoughtful and selective about the schools to which you apply will save you both time and money. Have a Good Strategy for the SAT and ACT Ive seen plenty of college applicants who take both the SAT and the ACT three or four times in a desperate-seeming effort to get a good score. The reality, however, is that taking the exam multiple times rarely has a significant impact on the score unless youve actually put in significant effort to increase your knowledge and improve your test-taking skills. I typically recommend applicants take an exam just twiceonce junior year, and once early in senior year. The senior year test may not even be necessary if you are happy with your junior year scores. For more information, see my articles on when to take the SAT and when to take the ACT. Also, there is nothing wrong with taking both the SAT and the ACT, but colleges require scores from just one of the exams. You can save yourself money by figuring out which exam is best suited to your skill set, and then focusing on that exam. Free online SAT and ACT resources or a $15 book could save you hundreds of dollars in exam registration fees and score reporting fees. Finally, as with application fees, SAT and ACT fee waivers are available for students with demonstrated financial need. See these articles on the cost of the SAT and cost of the ACT for more additional information. Be Strategic When Visiting Campuses Depending on which schools youre applying to, travel can be a major expense during the application process. One option, of course, is to not visit colleges until after youve been admitted. This way youre not spending money visiting a school only to find that youve been rejected. Through virtual tours and online research, you can learn quite a bit about a college without ever setting foot on campus. That said, I dont recommend this approach for most students. Demonstrated interest plays a role in the admissions process, and visiting campus is a good way to demonstrate your interest and potentially even improve your chances of being admitted. Also, a campus visit is going to give you a much better feel for a school than a flashy online tour that can easily hide a schools warts. Also, as I mentioned above, when you visit campus you might get an application fee waiver, or you might save money by discovering that you dont actually want to apply to the school. So when it comes to travel during the college selection process, my best advice is to do it, but be strategic: Find schools that are within striking distance of each other and visit them during the same trip.Go with a classmate interested in similar types of schools and share driving and lodging costs.Dont visit schools until youve done some meaningful research and are sure the school is a good match for you.For schools that require air travel, you may indeed want to put off a campus visit until after youve been admitted (there are ways to demonstrate interest other than campus visits). A Final Word about Application Costs Chances are, the college application process is going to cost several hundred dollars even when approached thoughtfully and frugally. That said, it doesnt need to cost thousands of dollars, and there are lots of ways to bring down the cost. If you are from a family facing financial hardship, be sure to look into fee waivers for both application fees and standardized tests- the cost of applying to college doesnt need to be a barrier to your college dreams.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Effects of mobile phone use on health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Effects of mobile phone use on health - Essay Example This paper â€Å"Effects of mobile phone use on health†investigates the fast expansion in mobile technologies, ICT in education, and robotics invention. Computers play significant role in the development of digital technologies and are imposed to fast change and growth in the domain of communicating and information delivery. Developmental issues in the area of computing can be viewed from different points. Current report emphasises the relation of recently appeared mobile technology and human health. The report is important to consider due to human concern of health issues as well as governmental regard to the increased cancer cases and its possible outcome of mobile use. The report is structured in the following way: two groups of people are chosen to participate; with the help of independent experts, groups from recommendations and minister for public health research covers current issues in the development of mobile connection and its impact on cancer. The paper further de scribes the work of every group and how it helped to realize research. The first groups was used to get statistical information on the use of mobile phones and helps to indicate the expected growth of the indicator for the following periods. The group also looked at the specific technology used and mobile phone operators, as well as the advantages that mobile phones bring with them. The first group also helped to define radiofrequency radiation usage, electromagnetic compatibility, fields from mobile phone systems.... They also wanted to find out whether the side of the head at which the phone was held made any difference or whether the area in which the phone was being used was linked in any way to glioma. From the discussion and conclusion part of the paper it is needed to make an outline that there were two reports received by the results of the first and the second group study. The first report is a general overview of the mobile phone usage while the the second report is focused entirely on finding a link between mobile phones and a specific type of brain tumour. In the end, although there is no definite evidence or proof that mobile phones effect human health, both groups are correct in my view of the "precautionary approach"(Stewart et al 2000), limiting calls were possible especially amongst children. Robotics Present report presents an investigation on the invention of robots and their ability to think. The paper consists of abstract, introduction, discussion and conclusion. First, the author introduces the concept of robotics and demonstrates research group that were used for the reflection of data in the paper, then the discussion of two working groups is provided, finally the general overview of the future of robots and concluding remarks are given. The first research presented in report is called Flocking Seven Dwarf Robots. The group carried out this research in order to find out about a robots ability to learn from another one and to ultimately define their ability to work in a team. The second research group refers to A Tale of Two Filters - Online Novelty Detection. This research that was carried out was all about detecting unexpected features within an environment. The group wanted to use robots and learning
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Role Played by Community Programmes in Shaping Education Dissertation
Role Played by Community Programmes in Shaping Education - Dissertation Example From the report it is clear that community programs are those programs undertaken outside the classroom that contribute to the social well-being of students. Most community programs involve both the students and members of the public, especially the society living around the school. The students play an important role of making their contribution towards making the society a better place while at the same time developing their social skills through interactions with other people from outside the precincts of the school. Community programmes in education bring together individuals from learning environments and the community in a common activity for the benefit of the society. Therefore, the context of this research is both in institutions of learning as well as in the community with which they are involved. According to the study findings education touches on every aspect in the life of person. In that regard, it is essential to understand what it entails. Education entails tra ining of individuals to improve their academic, psychological and social development. In that case, schools and other institutions of learning strive to put together a combination of programs that would assist in the development of a complete student by the time they finish school. This research shall employ both a quantitative and qualitative approach, based on the nature of information acquired through the research. These approach involves the unification of adequate research practices with theoretical bases in research.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Ethics on Surrogate Mothers Essay Example for Free
Ethics on Surrogate Mothers Essay Sometimes couples who cannot conceive a baby by themselves choose to use a surrogate mother, where another woman carries their child. One way of surrogacy is when a woman whos unable to carry a baby to term, but is otherwise fertile, has her embryos transplanted to the surrogate mother. The eggs might be fertilized by the biological father or by artificial insemination if the male has fertility issues. In other cases, a surrogate mother is in fact the biological mother of the child as her very own eggs are used to create the embryo. In certain states, such as Arkansas and Delaware, surrogacy is illegal. Even in states where surrogacy is allowed, it can be quite a complicated process for the non-biological mother to be named as the parent, particularly in cases when the surrogate is the biological mother. The surrogate must sign away her maternal rights so the intended mother can adopt the child. If the sperm of the adoptive mothers husband was used to fertilize the egg, the biological father is named on the childs birth certificate. Many states require a legal contract be drafted between the couple and the surrogate and her spouse or partner detailing all arrangements concerning the pregnancy and birth. The parties involved with a surrogacy contract should seek the advice of legal counsel to be sure that pertinent issues are addressed and that the contract is in compliance with state and local laws involving surrogacy and adoption. Sometimes a surrogate mother changes her mind and refuses to give up her child. However, in states where surrogacy is allowed, the biological mother usually doesnt win custody or visitation rights. Typically, the surrogate and the parents sign an agreement to avoid this from happening. Nonetheless, there’s always the possibility that the surrogate mother might win her case. Many surrogacy agreements state what the surrogate can and cannot do while pregnant. But ultimately, the parents should trust the surrogate mom to do whats in the best interests of the baby. Issues may develop whenever a surrogate breaches the agreement by smoking, abusing drugs or consuming} alcohol while pregnant. As with any pregnancy theres always the possibility for medical or obstetrical troubles, which may hurt the baby or the surrogate mother. For starters, theres the chance of transmission of contagious disease to the surrogate when another womans eggs are transplanted into the surrogate. Because of this, both biological parents should be prescreened. In case a surrogate develops problems in the beginning that put her life at an increased risk, she may want to end the pregnancy. Another issue that may arise is if health practitioners discover learn that the fetus has possible birth defects and other health concerns. In that situation, the parents may choose they cannot continue with the surrogacy. This generates all sorts of legal issues, especially when the sperm is from a donor or eggs other than the surrogates were used for pregnancy. The problem then becomes who gets to determine whether to proceed with the pregnancy. Even though some people see surrogacy as baby-selling and look down on a female who is a surrogate, in recent years surrogacy has become more of a recognized practice. However the ethical issue remains concerning whether a female whos being paid for her surrogacy is exploiting infertile couples and entering the agreement for money. Others begin to see the infertile couple as exploiting the surrogates body and taking advantage of a female who needs money. Another issue, a couple that would adopt a child would be rigorously screened and be assessed to their suitability. This would not be the case with surrogacy. Some people who would be restricted from adopting could avoid this process by using a surrogate. One of the key issues is with regards to surrogacy is it is impossible to determine the risks involved in the surrogacy process. A surrogate needs to be informed of the potential risks to her health and the possible psychological trauma she can suffer. There should a moral requirement for all parties involved to consider the welfare of the child born into any agreement. However, surrogacy raises the debate of people’s â€Å"right†to have children. If we refuse the option of surrogacy, are we discriminating against the infertile? The first recorded case of surrogacy in the United States was in 1976. Noel Keane, a lawyer, arranged the first surrogacy agreement between a surrogate mother and the intended parents. This mother was not compensated financially. Afterwards, Keane went on to create the Infertility Center, which arranged hundreds of surrogacy agreements every year . However despite the numerous ethical issues at stake, statistics show that there has been an increase in the numbers of women who become surrogates. From 2004-2008 the number of infants born to gestational surrogates had doubled. The Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology reported from 738 infants born to over 1,400 from surrogate births. However, the amount of surrogacies annually is likely to be more, as many fertility centers dont report to SART. Additionally, there are couples who enter private agreements with a surrogate where agencies arent involved. References Pacific Connection Fertility Services: Surrogacy Yale New Haven Teachers Institute: Ethical Problems Surrounding Surrogate Motherhood Dr Rebecca Gibbs, North East Essex PCT, Surrogacy, January 2008. http://www.northeastessexpct.nhs.uk/public_29_01_2008/surrogacy-policy.pdf
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Oliver Twist: Summary :: essays research papers
Oliver Twist: Summary I Content - Characterizations Oliver Twist - A loving, innocent orphan child; the son of Edwin Leeford and Agnes Fleming. He is generally quiet and shy rather than aggressive. Oliver's affectionate nature, along with his weakness and innocence, earn him the pity and love of the good people he meets. Dicken's choice of Oliver's name is very revealing, because the boy's story is full of "twists" and turns. Dickens uses his skills at creating character to make Oliver particularly appealing. Mr. Bumble - The parish beadle; a rat man and a choleric with a great idea of his oratorical powers and his importance. He has a decided propensity for bullying. He derived no inconsiderable pressure from the exercise of petty cruelty and consequently was a coward. Halfway through the book, Bumble changes. When he marries Mrs. Corney, he loses authority. She makes all the decisions. The Artful Dodger - A talented pickpocket, recruiter, cheat and wit. Jack Dawkins, known as the artful dodger, is a charming rogue. Fagin's most esteemed pupil. A dirty snub-nosed, flat-browed, common-faced boy (short for his age). Dickens makes Dodger look more appealing by describing his outrageous clothes and uninhibited manners. Fagin - A master criminal, whose specialty is fenang (selling stolen property). He employs a gang of thieves and is always looking for new recruits. He is a man of considerable intelligence, though corrupted by his self-interest. His conscience bothers him after he is condemned to hang. He does have a wry sense of humor and an uncanny ability to understand people. He's a very old shrivelled Jew, whose villainous looking repulsive face was obscured by a quantity of matted red hair. Mr. Brownlow - A generous man, concerned for other people. A very respectable looking person with a heart large enough for any six ordinary old gentleman of humane disposition. Bill Sikes - A bully, a robber and a murderer. He is an ally of Fagin. Fagin plans the crimes and Sikes carries them out. Sike's evil is so frightening because it is so physical. He is compares to a beast. A stoutly built fellow with legs that always look like they are in an unfinished and incomplete state without a set of fetters to garnish them. Monks - Also known as Edward Leeford (son of Edwin Leeford and his legal wife).Oliver's half brother. He wants to destroy Olivers chance of inheriting their fathers estate. Monks is a stock villain, lurking in shadows and uttering curses with a sneer. He lacks family love and moral upbringing. He is a tall, dark blackguard, subject to fits of cowardice and epilepsy.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Ideal Student
With scholarship, one may subdue savants in court; Brave in spirit, one may fight courageous battles; Born a king, one might rule over an Empire; One may even land on the moon; But of what use are all these achievements, If one is not able to control the mind and the senses, And uphold eternal human values? My Teachers, Fellow Students, Boys and Girls! The world badly needs today ideal students with exemplary character instead of wealth and prosperity. The progress of the nation depends on such students alone. It is such sacred practices alone that have protected ideal students through the ages.My Teachers, Fellow Students, Boys and Girls! Unfortunately, Islamic values declined in the course of time among us. Today’s student has completely forgotten all about our Islamic culture and human values. We need to find them in our self and must spread in our society. We always speak truth and follow the path of honesty and justice. This is the most important factor to become an ideal student. Fellow Students, Boys and Girls! True Knowledge is another barometer against which we can measure in an Ideal Student.Knowledgeable students always respect by the society and admire by the world. His knowledge always makes pride to his parents, family and school. Fellow Students, Boys and Girls! We are the future citizens of this country. We all could become ideal students for the glory of our nation. It can be revived only if we become the torchbearers because falsehood, injustice, bad conduct, and evil are widespread in our country. We need to fight against them getting excellent knowledge and taking an active role to spread joy and happiness among our society. Thank You and God bless you all†¦!
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Public Relations and Social Media
Figure 1: BDI Logo An essay on the Black Dog Institute’s use of social media for public relations purposes. Major Assessment: How is social media being used by not-for-profit organisations for PR purposes? Choose one not-for-profit organisation operating in Australia and discuss – with reference to public relations and new media theory – how the organisation is using social media to manage their key stakeholders and community groups online. The practice of public relations has seen a change in recent years, and now includes many and varied tools; including new media.The term ‘new media’ encompasses a variety of non-traditional methods including social media. This essay discusses the use of social media in a public relations capacity, to assist in managing an organisation’s key stakeholders and community groups online. The focus organisation is the Black Dog Institute (BDI), a notfor-profit organisation and an â€Å"educational, research, clin ical and community-oriented facility offering specialist expertise in mood disorders†(Black Dog Institute, 2012).When considering how an organisation uses social media, it is important to understand who the key stakeholders are and also what constitutes social media tools. Some of the institute’s key stakeholders (otherwise known as the specific target audience) include health professionals, donors/sponsors and government agencies. So, with some of the key stakeholders defined, what then is social media? Social media, as a whole, is online media with which you – the user can participate.Mayfield (2008) states that social media of all kind shares most (or all) of the following characteristics – participation, openness, conversation, community and connectedness. The Black Dog institute has used several social media tools to get their message out to the wider community. The use of these new media tools, specifically social media tools, assists not-for-profit organisations such as The Black Dog Institute in managing their key stakeholders and community groups online. Social media is fast becoming an effective tool for public relations purposes and The Black Dog Institute has mplemented a variety of tools such as wikis, social networking, blogging, video, an interactive website and applications suitable for iPhone, iPad and iPod. Figure 2: Social Media The Black Dog Institute engages in wikis such as The Mental Health Wiki. The Mental Health Wiki (2012) which claims to be â€Å"a collaborative, open platform for capturing high quality information in the mental health field†is open to anyone however the site only allows suitably qualified people to contribute. So how does this wiki help The Black Dog Institute manage their key stakeholders?Through participation, the institute is able to demonstrate their expertise in the area of mental health therefore enhancing their reputation among other health organisations. Wikis are a potent ial destination for online Page 2 of 7 PRN101 – Major Assignment research and thus by contributing to such, the organisation is able to continuously improve relationships between themselves and their stakeholders (medical professionals) As a fundamental function of public relations is to build mutually beneficial relationships, the contributions supplied by the institute on the Mental Health Wiki would be accessible by other health care professionals.This accessibility is a key in building such relationships, and in turn, the institute has access to other organisation’s research material. On the flip side however, it is important for the institute to consider the legal ramifications of contributing to such a forum. Flynn (2012) states that social media content can be subpoenaed and used to support (or sink) an organisation in the event of litigation, therefore it is important that the institute adheres to laws affecting PR such as copyright, privacy and the Trade Pract ices Act.Facebook is a social networking site offering community, conversation and connectedness and is another largely accessible social media tool with which The Black Dog Institute has engaged. Their active Facebook site allows community groups to interact and remain connected with the institute. The site offers news feeds, events, videos and the option for like minded people to contribute to the site through ‘posts’ – discussions. Figure 3: BDI FaceBook Page According to Solis (2009) social networking is not just about socialising, it’s about leveraging the network to increase visibility for expertise, reputation and activity.As you can see with the image, the Black Dog Institute’s Facebook page includes a picture of their facility, but is this the kind of visibility we refer to in PR? To increase their visibility (or exposure) the institute utilises social network i. e. Facebook to promote upcoming events, VIP associations, and other online pre sences such as websites/twitter and to provide another avenue to access their products for sale. By using social networking to increase their visibility, the institute develops another avenue to increase donations and much needed funds.Page 3 of 7 PRN101 – Major Assignment Blogging is another social media tool that has been adopted by The Black Dog Institute, through the use of Twitter – a micro-blogging site. Their Twitter blogs allow readers to ‘pull’ information that is relevant to them and with the dynamic nature of blogging; the institute gains a genuine insight into the opinions of their public. In terms of public relations, blogging assists the organisation to maintain a constant and up-to-date connection with its publics.The Black Dog Institute embraces that connection and continues to build a network (or community) of like minded people and remain connected with their audiences. With one of the most important functions of public relations being to create understanding, blogging sites such as Twitter allows The Black Dog Institute to create this understanding. Some media tools do not allow participation from an organisation’s public, however through blogging a two-way process is encouraged thereby creating a mutual understanding.It is important to acknowledge that a forum involving two-way conversation can again place the organisation in a vulnerable position – both its’ legally and socially responsible position. Therefore maintaining an ethical approach to the blogging process, with a deliberate course of action, can help to reduce this vulnerability. Figure 4: YouTube Videos are another social media tool that an organisation can use to remain connected with their public. Sites like YouTube are becoming increasingly popular with individuals and organisations alike.The Black Dog Institute has a YouTube channel, where subscribers can upload videos and also comment on videos uploaded by others. The institut e joined the YouTube ‘phenomenon’ in September, 2011. At present there are only two videos available on their own channel, however when you search the term ‘black dog institute’ several others have been uploaded (as indicated in the above image). This indicates an increasing awareness of the institute through an often entertaining and light hearted forum. Videos offer the institute the opportunity to present their organisation in an honest and accurate way.Further development of their YouTube channel can be achieved Page 4 of 7 PRN101 – Major Assignment through commenting on other contributor uploads regarding the institute and its activities from other users. Other tools utilised by the institute, which are a little out of the scope of this essay, include an iPod/iPad application – â€Å"The Black Dog Pedometer†. This tool gives the institute’s stakeholders/community access to not only a pedometer but also a link to learn more a bout the institute and also a donation option.In terms of public relations, the pedometer application increases the organisations image as an authority on the subject of mental health and mood disorders. The institute also has a website developed specifically for teenagers – www. biteback. org. au which as a whole is not a social media tool; however the blog component of the site offers interaction and participation by subscribers. The Bite Back website allows the BDI public relations team to take a proactive approach to their subject of expertise, offering an engaging and interactive forum for their younger community groups.As you can see throughout this essay, social media assists the Black Dog Institute in its’ public relations plans. Tools previously outlined such as wikis, social networking, blogging and videos assist the institute in building and improving relationships with their key stakeholders and to increase awareness and visibility of their organisation. As the momentum of social media continues, further opportunities may develop for the institute. Trimester 1, 2012 Page 5 of 7 PRN101 – Major Assignment Reference List: Figures Figure 1: Black Dog Institute Logo – www. lackdoginstitute. org. au (accessed 30 April, 2012) Figure 2: Social Media – http://masoncadeagency. com/wpcontent/uploads/2011/07/SMO_Social_Media_Optimization. jpg (accessed 3 May, 2012) Figure 3: Black Dog Institute Facebook page – http://www. facebook. com/blackdoginst (accessed 5 May, 2012) Figure 4: YouTube screenshot – Available: http://www. youtube. com/results? search_query=black+dog+institute+&oq=black+dog +institute+&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_l=youtube. 3†¦ 16614. 20473. 0. 21177. 22. 19. 1. 2. 2. 1. 30 3. 2779. 5j7j6j1. 19. 0†¦ 0. 0. (accessed 6 May, 2012)Bibliography Texts: Ali, M 2006, Public Relations – Creating an IMAGE, Heinemann, Oxford, GB Chaffey, D & Smith, PR. 2010, eMarketing eXcellence – Planning and optimizing your digital marketing, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, UK. Flynn, N, 2012, Social media handbook – policies and best practices to effectively manage your organization's social media presence, posts, and potential risks. Wiley, Australia Harrison, Kim 2011, Strategic Public Relations – A Practical Guide to Success, Palgrave Macmillan, South Yarra, Australia Lee, R & Kotler, P. 011, Social Marketing – Influencing Behaviors for Good, 4th edition. Sage, California Rix, P, 2011, Marketing – A Practical Approach, McGraw Hill, North Ryde, Australia. Solis, B & Breakenridge, D. 2009, Putting the Public Back in Public Relations – How Social Media Is Reinventing the Aging Business of PR, Pearson Education, New Jersey Page 6 of 7 PRN101 – Major Assignment eBooks and PDFs: Junee,T 2012, PRN101_Social_Media_2012-2 [Slide]. THINK: APM College of Business, Sydney Mayfield, A. 2008 What is Social Media? v1. 4 updated 1 August 2008 http://www. crossing. co. uk/fileadmin/uploads/eBooks/What_is_Social_Media_iCrossing_eb ook. pdf (accessed 3 May, 2012) Weblinks: Black Dog Insitute. 2012. About Us: Black Dog Institute. Available: http://www. blackdoginstitute. org. au/aboutus/overview. cfm (accessed 6 April, 2012) Harris, A. 2012. Be Social Media Savvy. Available: http://www. pria. com. au/priablog/be-social-media-savvy (accessed 7 April, 2012) Mental Health Wiki. 2012. Register: Available: http://www. mentalhealthwiki. org/deki/plugins/register/register. php (accessed 2 May,2012) Facebook. 012. Key Facts. Available: http://newsroom. fb. com/content/default. aspx? NewsAreaId=22 (accessed 1 May, 2012) YouTube. 2012. Search results for Black Dog Institute. Available: http://www. youtube. com/results? search_query=black+dog+institute+=black+dog+instit ute+=f===youtube. 3†¦ 16614. 20473. 0. 21177. 22. 19. 1. 2. 2. 1. 303. 2779. 5j7j6 j1. 19. 0†¦ 0. 0. (accessed 18 April, 2012) Black Dog Bite Back. 2012. Blogs: Availabl e: http://www. biteback. org. au/ (accessed 2 May, 2012) Page 7 of 7 PRN101 – Major Assignment
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Asian-American Culture Essay Example
Asian Asian-American Culture Essay Asian-American Culture Essay When you think of Asians-Americans in school, what are the things that come to the mind? They know math well? They are intelligent? They can help you with your homework? Well there are many stereotypes of Asians however the point is that Asians- Americans students are succeeding in school simply because it has something to do with the way they were raised and not the way they were born or even living up to their stereotypes. Asians- Americans put forth effort into their schoolwork and take education seriously. In reality no race is more intelligent than the other despite of what the public believes. Their parents brought them up to be respectable and obey their parents while the average America students are more focused on their hanging with their peers and popularity. Also while the average American is focused on extracurricular activities, Asian-Americans are raised to study hard and the harder you study the more you will be able to succeed in school and secure your future. The Asian-American parents are very strict and also they are the educators as well. According to an article in greatschools. org â€Å"How Do Asian Students Get to the Top of the Class? †Dr. Soo Kim Abboud, Jane Kim implies that Asian parents do several things that allow their children to embrace the role of student, â€Å"They manage their childrens time outside of school, they assume the role of educator after school hours, they teach their children that being a student is both fun and rewarding (with the help of their childrens educators) and they have a genuine respect for educators. The parents turn their home into a learning environment in order for their kids to excel in their education. Statistics say that the percentage of Asians, age 25 and older, who have a bachelors degree or higher level of education. Asians have the highest proportion of college graduates of any race or ethnic group in the country and this compares with 27 percent for all Americans 25 and older that were raised by their Asian-American parents. Another thing that the Asian-American parents do is not to give them an A for effort like most American parents and teachers do. Most American parents feel if they are not positive enough or just a little too negative, they can damage kids self-esteem. However that’s not always the case with Asian-American kids. Asian parents tend to not care about the children self-esteem because they want them to do it the correct way or don’t do it at all. For example, Tony Hsieh, the co-founder of Zappos. com tells his life and how growing up with Asian-American parents and how they were always strict and how being a kid who was forced to play four musical instruments and pressured to study hard and to do things right or don’t do them at all. Even though he hated the piano practices and the pressure to study when he was young, now that he is older he knows that the way he was raised benefited him tremendously because he now owns a billion dollar company and understands they ways to become successful through the way he was taught from his parents. Another example is Soo Kim Abboud is a surgeon and an assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania. Her sister Jane is an attorney. They were born in the United States to parents who had emigrated from Korea with little money in their pockets but big dreams of a better life in their hearts. From the very beginning, Jane Kim says, her parents realized the importance of education for their daughters, and they made it their top priority. When we were younger, I mean in elementary and middle school, our parents were very involved, she says. So involved, she recalls, that they gladly assumed the role of teacher after. Thoa Hoang, 17, a Asian-American junior at Piedmont Hills High, said her Asian friends absorbed their hardworking attitudes from their parents. Were brainwashed, she said. Every one of us is afraid of being stupid or looking dumb. Even though the day at school ended, learning still went on in the home as her parents teach over what is important for her to know at school so she can be ahead. Peter Hoang states â€Å"In our culture, we believe hard work pays off, and we just want for our daughter to be the best at whatever she does. †It would seem like a lot of pressure to do the job right the first time however Thoa states, â€Å"I am motivated and dete rmine to succeed not only for me, but for my family as well so they would be proud. †Asian- American students aren’t any different from any ethnic group of students. They aren’t in any special classes that will make them smarter than any other ethnic group neither were they born with the brain that has an IQ of a thousand. However, what makes them unique is their culture and tradition of learning. When it comes to education, they treat it like something of value while most Americans take for granted. Asian parents simply want their children to value their education like the parents do. Here is a personal example, when I was in high school my senior year, I had a real close friend that was Asian- American and education was very important to her and her family so she achieve everything from top ten percent to being in International Barrculare meaning that she would receive not only high school but college credit and when she graduate, she receive two diplomas. When it was time for our graduation ceremonies and parties almost everyone participated except for her. I asked her why didn’t attend any of the graduation parties she said she wasn’t interested however I didn’t believe her. I suggested that she have a party of her own since she received so many awards. She refused and told me that it isn’t in her tradition to celebrate something you must achieve anyway. At first I didn’t understand what she meant by that because when I graduated, that was a huge accomplishment simply because I just wanted to graduate. I asked her father how does he feel about his daughter graduating he said this â€Å"Her education has not ended at all just because she graduated from high school. It is just the beginning of her life and her education to continue. When I heard that I realized how important education was important to the family and how the parents are always there for her and letting her know that no matter what education comes first. That really let me know where we stand as Americans and how what must be done to at least have more effort toward education and not take it for granted. America is the land of opportunity to become anything you want to be in l ife. It’s up to you to pursue. Can we as a nation mold into a nation where education is just as important to us as it is to the Asian-Americans? Or will we continue to take for granted and watch as opportunities that are meant for us be taken away because someone wanted the opportunity more than we did? If we allow ourselves to at least have the mentality for our students to have the best of grades like the Asian-Americans parents have the same mentality for their children, we as non-Asians or any other ethnic group can have more of an opportunity to prove ourselves than we can be smart as well if we only apply ourselves and receive the support from our parents and loved ones that we can achieve it if we believe it. Also the parents must become the educators as well as the parents
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Documentacin para solicitar el ajuste de estatus
Documentacin para solicitar el ajuste de estatus Para solicitar el ajuste de estatus hay que tener una serie de documentos que se han de enviar junto a la peticià ³n. Antes de tramitar el ajuste, asegurarse de poseer toda la documentacià ³n que se pide para todo tipo de solicitantes y tambià ©n la especà fica para la categorà a dentro de la que cae cada extranjero que pide convertirse en residente permanente mediante este beneficio inmigratorio. Destacar que el ajuste de estatus permite a un migrante presente ya en Estados Unidos cambiar su situacià ³n migratoria y adquirir la condicià ³n de residente permanente y, por tanto, en poseedor de una tarjeta de residencia, conocida como green card. Pero es muy importante conocer quià ©nes lo pueden pedir y quià ©nes no pueden gozar de este beneficio. En este artà culo se informa sobre: documentos que deben presentar todos los solicitantesdocumentos que sà ³lo se presentan segà ºn el caso de cada unodocumentos que debe presentarse sà ³lo si se pide el ajuste de estatus por determinadas categorà asquà © hacer con los documentos relativos a posibles faltas y/o delitos Quà © documentos se deben adjuntar con la peticià ³n de ajuste de estatus La peticià ³n de ajuste de estatus debe ir acompaà ±ada de una serie de papelerà a de apoyo. Existen unos requisitos comunes para todo tipo de peticià ³n de ajuste, que son los siguientes. Adems, leer al final del artà culo los especà ficos para la situacià ³n de cada migrante. Ya que no es lo mismo solicitar el ajuste por, por ejemplo, peticià ³n de esposo que es ciudadano, a pedirlo por asilo. Formulario de peticià ³n Para solicitar el ajuste de Estatus, la planilla a completar es la I-485. Se puede encontrar gratuitamente de la pgina oficial de Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Utilizar siempre la à ºltima versià ³n, es decir, la que està © en esa pgina justo cuando se realiza la solicitud. Pago El cheque para el pago debe hacerse a nombre del Department of Homeland Security. El costo actual varà a segà ºn las circunstancias de cada solicitante. Asà : Menores de 14 aà ±os que solicitan ajuste de estatus con al menos uno de sus padres: $635.Menores de 14 aà ±os que no solicitan con ninguno de sus padres: $985.Entre 14 y 78 aà ±os: $985 ms $85 para datos biomà ©tricos. Total: $107079 o ms aà ±os: $985.Refugiados: nada, ya que es gratuito.Las personas que piden ajuste de estatus para ellas mismas en aplicacià ³n de VAWA por violencia domà ©stica pueden solicitar una waiver para no pagar la tarifa de la solicitud si cumplen una serie de requisitos. Esto tambià ©n aplica a los solicitantes de la Visa T de trfico de personas, por la visa U de violencia, por el registry o por el programa de Inmigrantes Juveniles Especiales (SIJ). Certificado de nacimiento Basta con una copia legible del mismo, pero debe contar con el sello de la autoridad que lo emite y cumplir con una serie de requisitos. Si est en un idioma distinto al inglà ©s, debe ser traducido y acompaà ±ado por una carta de certificacià ³n de la traduccià ³n. Fotografà as Dos fotos idà ©nticas tipo pasaporte tomadas en los 30 dà as anteriores a enviar la solicitud. Escribir con un lpiz en el reverso el nombre del beneficiado y si tiene un alien registration number, incluirlo. Visas no inmigrantes En los casos en los que una Embajada o consulado americano haya emitido al extranjero una visa no inmigrante en los 365 dà as anteriores a enviar la solicitud del ajuste de estatus, incluir en la documentacià ³n la fotocopia legible de la pgina en la que est estampada la visa. Informacià ³n biogrfica Si se tiene entre 14 y 79 aà ±os, completar y adjuntar la planilla G-325 A. Rà ©cord mà ©dico y de vacunas Para ello hay que utilizar la planilla I-693. Estas son las reglas que rigen para el examen mà ©dico para obtener la residencia permanente. Si bien hay excepciones a la obligacià ³n de pasar por un examen mà ©dico. En primer lugar, para los refugiados, para quienes en la mayorà a de los casos es suficiente completar la porcià ³n del formulario dedicada a las vacunas. Asimismo, los prometidos de ciudadanos americanos y sus descendientes que han pasado un examen mà ©dico en el à ºltimo aà ±o antes de viajar a Estados Unidos al solicitar una visa K no tienen que presentar otro ms. Bastar con que acrediten las vacunas. Finalmente, tampoco debern someterse a un examen mà ©dico las personas que hayan vivido en Estados Unidos desde enero de 1972 y que està ©n ajustando su estatus por lo que se conoce como el registry. Evidencia de estatus migratorio en Estados Unidos Enviar una copia legible del documento que se conoce como I-94, registro de entrada y de salida. La copia debe ser por ambos lados. Si se ha ingresado a los Estados Unidos con una tarjeta de cruce, conocida tambià ©n como visa lser, enviar una copia de la misma tambià ©n por los dos lados. Finalmente, si no se tiene ese rà ©cord de registro de entrada y de salida, realmente es el momento de hablar con un abogado ya que en muchas ocasiones, aunque no en todas, esto puede ser el origen de grandes problemas con las autoridades de Inmigracià ³n. Notificacià ³n de que se ha recibido el paquete Si se desea, es posible pedirle al USCIS que confirme por sms o por correo electrà ³nico que se ha recibido la peticià ³n para el ajuste de estatus. Para ello, completar la planilla que se conoce como G-1145. Documentos para acompaà ±ar a la peticià ³n de ajuste de estatus, segà ºn la categorà a Dependiendo de la razà ³n por la que el solicitante puede pedir el ajuste de estatus se deben incluir ms documentos en el mismo paquete de peticià ³n. A continuacià ³n, los diferentes casos. Las personas que ajustan su estatus por peticià ³n de un familiar Los ciudadanos y los residentes permanentes pueden solicitar a familiares que caen dentro de determinados grados de parentesco. Pero no todos pueden ajustar su estatus y à ©ste es un punto fundamental que debe de ser tenido en cuenta antes de enviar los papeles a Inmigracià ³n. Adems, si se est en una categorà a que est sujeta a là mites anuales de casos aprobados, verificar el boletà n de visas ms reciente para asegurarse de que ya se puede solicitar el ajuste. Si se cumplen todos los requisitos, se debe incluir en la peticià ³n de ajuste de estatus un affidavit of support que tambià ©n se conoce con el nombre de declaracià ³n de sostenimiento. Para ello hay que completar el formulario I-864. Adems, si se trata de una peticià ³n realizada por un ciudadano estadounidense para su cà ³nyuge, padres o hijo soltero menor de 21 aà ±os, incluir el formulario I-130 o, si ya se envià ³ con anterioridad, incluir copia de la carta que se recibià ³ del USCIS con el nombre de I-797 Notice of Action donde se confirma que el I-130 ha sido aprobado. En todos los dems casos por peticià ³n de un familiar enviar copia del I-797 de que el I-130 que se presentà ³ est aprobado y asegurarse de que la fecha de prioridad est al corriente en la categorà a que aplica a la persona que se pide. Esto se hace consultando el à ºltimo boletà n de visas. Las personas que buscan el ajuste por peticià ³n laboral Adjuntar una carta oficial del empleador en la que se declara, entre otras cosas, el salario que se paga y en la que confirma que sigue existiendo ese puesto de trabajo para el que se solicita ese trabajador extranjero. La carta debe estar redactada en papel oficial de la empresa. Copia de la carta recibida por USCIS en la que se confirma que la peticià ³n de un trabajador extranjero solicitada mediante el formulario I-140 ha sido aprobada. Si la fecha de prioridad en la categorà a a la que pertenece el inmigrante pedido est al corriente entonces es posible enviar el I-140 conjuntamente con la peticià ³n de ajuste de estatus. Asimismo, si la empresa que pide un empleado extranjero es en un cinco por ciento o ms propiedad de la familia del pedido entonces ser necesario completar el formulario I-864, que es una declaracià ³n jurada de sostenimiento. Si la persona para la que se pide el ajuste de estatus est en los Estados Unidos con una visa H-1B o una L-1, enviar prueba de estatus. Finalmente, son necesarias copias de pagos de salario recientes, de certificados de estudios, cuando son necesarios y de que el Departamento de Trabajo ha aprobado el Certificado Laboral. Asilados Copia de la carta o del I-94 en el que consta que se le ha concedido esa condicià ³n. Ajuste derivado Para cà ³nyuges e hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os de otra persona que pide el ajuste y ellos tambià ©n pueden pedirlo de forma derivada en virtud de su relacià ³n familiar. Estas personas deben enviar en su peticià ³n las copias de los documentos que prueben la relacià ³n entre el beneficiario principal y el derivado, como certificados de matrimonio, partidas de nacimiento, adopcià ³n, etc. Asimismo, incluir evidencia de que la peticià ³n de ajuste de estatus del beneficiario principal ha sido enviada al USCIS o ha sido aprobada. Ajuste de estatus por el registry Aportar toda la documentacià ³n que sirva para probar el caso y demostrar la presencia en el paà s desde el 1 de enero de 1972. Personas que solicitan ajuste por perdà ³n 245 (i) Los migrantes indocumentados que pueden beneficiarse de la medida conocida como 245 (i) deben enviar tambià ©n el formulario que se conoce como I-485 Supplement A. Visas T o Visas U Los migrantes que solicitan el ajuste de estatus porque tienen una visa T por trfico humano o una visa U por haber sido và ctima de cierto tipo de violencia deben enviar tambià ©n con su aplicacià ³n el Supplement E del formulario I-485 y toda la documentacià ³n adicional que se pide en dicha planilla. Extranjeros en las categorà as de SIJ o inmigrantes militares especiales Deben adjuntar la peticià ³n de esta categorà a que, si se concede, har que haya automticamente visas de inmigrantes para ellos. Tambià ©n debern contar con una autorizacià ³n policial (police clearance). Documentacià ³n a enviar dependiendo del caso de cada solicitante Solicitud de permiso de trabajo Si se desea tener uno se debe completar el formulario I-765. No pagar la cuota de este formulario porque ya est incluida en el pago del formulario I-485 para ajuste de estatus. Si inicialmente no se envà a la solicitud del permiso de trabajo y ms tarde se cambia de opinià ³n y se decide hacerlo, enviar el formulario sin pago. Pero en este caso se debe incluir una carta que se ha recibido del USCIS donde se confirma que hay un caso abierto de ajuste de estatus. Solicitud de permiso para viajar fuera de Estados Unidos y regresar Es lo que se conoce como advance parole. No es necesario pedirlo, pero puede hacerse. En cuestià ³n de pago de este formulario aplica lo que se ha dicho en el prrafo anterior para el permiso de trabajo. Waiver En algunos casos es necesario presentar tambià ©n el formulario I-601 para pedir un perdà ³n, tambià ©n conocido como permiso. Son casos muy especà ficos y esto es un tema delicado que conviene tratar siempre con un abogado. Planilla G-28 Sà ³lo en los casos de contar con un abogado que lleva este caso. El solicitante de ajuste de estatus tambià ©n tiene que firmarla, si es que cuenta con asistencia de letrado o de un representante acreditado. Rà ©cords criminales En el formulario I-485 hay varias preguntas sobre posibles problemas con la ley, incluyendo el contacto con drogas. Y se pregunta especà ficamente no sà ³lo por acciones cometidas en los Estados Unidos sino tambià ©n en otros paà ses. Pueden darse los siguientes casos: Primero: rà ©cord totalmente limpio. No se necesita hacer nada. Segundo: arrestado o detenido por cualquier fuerza del orden pero no se han presentado cargos. En estos casos solicitar la declaracià ³n oficial original de la policà a que realizà ³ el arresto o de la corte competente en la que se declare que no se presentaron cargos. Tercero: arrestado o detenido cuando se han presentado cargos. En este caso presentar original o copia certificada por corte del arresto y sus consecuencias: desestimacià ³n (dismissal), condena (conviction) o absolucià ³n (acquittal). Cuarto: Condenado o enviado a un centro de rehabilitacià ³n o de servicio comunitario. Se necesita original o copia certificada por corte de la condena y de haberla cumplido o de estar en libertad condicional. Quinto: Arrestado o condenado pero cuyo arresto o condena ha sido declarado secreto o eliminado del rà ©cord. Se necesita original o copia certificada por corte de tal hecho. Es posible que no se sepa que se tiene una orden de deportacià ³n o de arresto dictada en contra. Si cabe la posibilidad, el mejor consejo es asegurarse de cul es la situacià ³n antes de enviar documentacià ³n al USCIS pidiendo un beneficio migratorio. En cuanto a las meras infracciones de trfico, no suelen causar problemas, excepto en casos graves o cuando hay un problema de DWI (alcohol o drogas). Si hay problemas por delitos o faltas en el pasado, es el momento de hablar muy seriamente con un abogado. En algunos casos ser imposible obtener una aprobacià ³n del ajuste de estatus y no se sacar la green card. Pero en otros muchos ser posible pedir con à ©xito una waiver (tambià ©n conocido como perdà ³n o permiso). Lo que nunca debe hacerse es mentir porque es una violacià ³n migratoria con graves consecuencias. Y hay que tener en cuenta que el USCIS tiene acceso a bases de datos del FBI sobre todo tipo de delitos y faltas (incluidos los casos sellados o expurgados. No mentir con esto tampoco). Reglas generales Se recomienda adjuntar los originales cuando asà especà ficamente se pida, como por ejemplo en los casos de rà ©cords de policà a y de las cortes. En los dems casos, es suficiente una copia legible. Mientras se procesan los papeles se puede verificar de varias maneras el estatus del caso. Y siempre lo mejor es no cambiar de lugar de residencia Pero si es necesario hacerlo, no olvidar el requisito fundamental de notificar ese cambio de domicilio al USCIS. Tomar este quiz - trivial o test, segà ºn el paà s - sobre cà ³mo obtener y conservar la tarjeta de residencia. Verificar que se conoce informacià ³n fundamental. Y una vez que se obtenga la tarjeta de residencia, a disfrutarla. Y considerar solicitar la ciudadanà a americana por naturalizacià ³n cuando se cumplan los plazos para poder pedirla. Este artà culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Discriminatory Practices In The Federal Control Of American Education Coursework
Discriminatory Practices In The Federal Control Of American Education - Coursework Example Galston (2008) believes that this kind of system can still be and should be improved. The situation in the public schools right now describes a scenario in which drop-out rates are high and those who actually graduate lack the necessary competency. This translates to having a workforce which is not really ready for the real world. Likewise, Caruba (2004, August 4) espouses that the American youth of today pass through the educational system but do not even have sufficient literacy and mathematics skills. Basic knowledge of history, civics, geography, and science are not comprehensive. Federal lawmakers have passed increasingly restrictive laws and drastically escalated education spending, which ballooned from around $25 billion in 1965 (adjusted for inflation) to more than $108 billion in 2002. (as cited in Caruba, 2004, August 4) However, this seemingly large budget for education has not reflected in the research results which show that the programs implemented by the federal government are not successful in answering educational problems (McCluskey, cited in Caruba, 2004, August 4). It was during the administration of George W. Bush that education funding has ballooned from $38.4 billion in 2000 to $63.3 billion in 2004. More specifically, educational discrimination is evident in how funding has been allocated for projects in Massachusetts and Alaska alone as described in the $8.4 million program, â€Å"Exchanges with Historic Whaling and Trading Partners†and the $119.3 million program for the â€Å"Teaching of Traditional American History initiative†respectively (McCluskey, cited in Caruba, 2004, August 4). This also shows how other students in this area seem to benefit largely while the rest suffer. On the other hand, the only way by which to veer away from federal control is to refuse the very money gathered through taxes paid by local citizens.
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